CICE-Consortium 6.0.0.alpha documentation
CICE Documentation
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction - CICE5
1.1. Quick Start guide
1.1.1. Get the model
1.1.2. Running the model
1.1.3. More Details
1.1.4. Forcing data
1.1.5. Online resources
1.2. Major updates
1.2.1. CICE V5.1
1.2.2. CICE V5.0
1.3. Acknowledgements
1.4. Copyright
2. Science Guide
2.1. Coupling with other climate model components
2.1.1. Atmosphere
2.1.2. Ocean
2.1.3. Variable exchange coefficients
2.2. Model components
2.2.1. Tracers
2.2.2. Horizontal transport
2.2.3. Dynamics
2.2.4. Thickness changes
3. User Guide
3.1. Numerical implementation
3.1.1. Directory structure
3.1.2. Grid, boundary conditions and masks
3.1.3. Test configurations
3.1.4. Initialization and coupling
3.1.5. Choosing an appropriate time step
3.1.6. Model output
3.2. Execution procedures
3.2.1. Scripts
3.2.2. Directories
3.2.3. Local modifications
3.2.4. Forcing data
3.3. Performance
3.4. Adding things
3.4.1. Timers
3.4.2. History fields
3.4.3. Tracers
3.5. Troubleshooting
3.5.1. Initial setup
3.5.2. Restarts
3.5.3. Slow execution
3.5.4. Debugging hints
3.5.5. Known bugs
3.5.6. Interpretation of albedos
3.5.7. Proliferating subprocess parameterizations
3.6. Testing CICE
3.6.1. Individual tests and test suites
3.6.2. Additional testing options
3.6.3. Test suite format
3.6.4. Example Tests (Quickstart)
3.6.5. Code Compliance Test
3.6.6. CICE Test Reporting
3.6.7. End-To-End Testing Procedure
3.7. Table of namelist options
4. Index of primary variables and parameters
4.1. Comprehensive Alphabetical Index
5. References
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CICE-Consortium 6.0.0.alpha documentation