4.4. Driver and Coupling

The driver and coupling layer is found in cicecore/drivers/. The standalone driver is found under cicecore/drivers/standalone/cice/ and other high level coupling layers are found in other directories. CICE is designed to build with only one of these drivers at a time, depending how the model is run and coupled. Within the cicecore/drivers/standalone/cice/ directory, the following files are found,

CICE.F90 is the top level program file and that calls CICE_Initialize, CICE_Run, and CICE_Finalize methods. CICE_InitMod.F90 contains the CICE_Initialize method and other next level source code. CICE_RunMod.F90 contains the CICE_Run method and other next level source code. CICE_FinalMod.F90 contains the CICE_Finalize method and other next level source code.

The files provide the top level sequencing for calling the standalone CICE model.

4.4.1. Adding a New Driver

The drivers directory contains two levels of subdirectories. The first layer indicates the coupling infrastructure or strategy and the second later indicates the application or coupler the driver is written for. At the present time, the directory structures is:


The standalone driver is drivers/standalone/cice, and this is the driver used when running with the CICE scripts in standalone mode. New drivers can be added as needed when coupling to new infrastructure or in new applications. We encourage the community to use the drivers directory to facilitate reuse with the understanding that the driver code could also reside in the application. Users should follow the naming strategy as best as possible. Drivers should be added under the appropriate subdirectory indicative of the coupling infrastructure. New subdirectories (such as oasis or esmf) can be added in the future as needed. The community will have to decide when it’s appropriate to share drivers between different applications, when to update drivers, and when to create new drivers. There are a number of trade-offs to consider including backwards compatibility with earlier versions of applications, code reuse, and independence. As a general rule, driver directories should not be deleted and names should not be reused to avoid confusion with prior versions that were fundamentally different. The number of drivers will likely increase over time as new infrastructure and applications are added and as versions evolve in time.

The current drivers subdirectories are mct, nuopc, standalone, and direct. The standalone subdirectory contains drivers to run the model in standalone mode as a standalone program. The direct subdirectory contains coupling interfaces that supporting calling the ice model directory from other models as subroutines. The subdirectory mct contains subdirectories for applications/couplers that provide coupling via mct interfaces. And the subdirectory nuopc contains subdirectories for applications/couplers that provide coupling via nuopc interfaces.

The varied cicecore/drivers/ directories are generally implemented similar to the standalone cice case with versions of CICE_InitMod.F90, CICE_RunMod.F90, and CICE_FinalMod.F90 files in addition to files consistent with the coupling layer.

As features are added to the CICE model over time that require changes in the calling sequence, it’s possible that all drivers will need to be updated. These kinds of changes are impactful and not taken lightly. It will be up to the community as a whole to work together to maintain the various drivers in these situations.

4.4.2. Calling Sequence

The initialize calling sequence looks something like:

call init_communicate     ! initial setup for message passing
call init_fileunits       ! unit numbers
call icepack_configure()  ! initialize icepack
call input_data           ! namelist variables
call init_zbgc            ! vertical biogeochemistry namelist
call count_tracers        ! count tracers
call init_domain_blocks   ! set up block decomposition
call init_grid1           ! domain distribution
call alloc_*              ! allocate arrays
call init_ice_timers      ! initialize all timers
call init_grid2           ! grid variables
call init_zbgc            ! vertical biogeochemistry initialization
call init_calendar        ! initialize some calendar stuff
call init_hist (dt)       ! initialize output history file
if (kdyn == 2) then
   call init_eap (dt_dyn) ! define eap dynamics parameters, variables
else                      ! for both kdyn = 0 or 1
   call init_evp (dt_dyn) ! define evp dynamics parameters, variables
call init_coupler_flux    ! initialize fluxes exchanged with coupler
call init_thermo_vertical ! initialize vertical thermodynamics
call icepack_init_itd(ncat, hin_max)  ! ice thickness distribution
if (tr_fsd) call icepack_init_fsd_bounds  ! floe size distribution
call calendar(time)       ! determine the initial date
call init_forcing_ocn(dt) ! initialize sss and sst from data
call init_state           ! initialize the ice state
call init_transport       ! initialize horizontal transport
call ice_HaloRestore_init ! restored boundary conditions
call init_restart         ! initialize restart variables
call init_diags           ! initialize diagnostic output points
call init_history_therm   ! initialize thermo history variables
call init_history_dyn     ! initialize dynamic history variables
call init_shortwave       ! initialize radiative transfer
call init_forcing_atmo    ! initialize atmospheric forcing (standalone)
if (tr_fsd .and. wave_spec) call get_wave_spec ! wave spectrum in ice
call get_forcing*         ! read forcing data (standalone)

See a CICE_InitMod.F90 file for the latest.

The run sequence within a time loop looks something like:

call init_mass_diags   ! diagnostics per timestep
call init_history_therm
call init_history_bgc

do iblk = 1, nblocks
   if (calc_Tsfc) call prep_radiation (dt, iblk)
   call step_therm1     (dt, iblk) ! vertical thermodynamics
   call biogeochemistry (dt, iblk) ! biogeochemistry
   call step_therm2     (dt, iblk) ! ice thickness distribution thermo
enddo ! iblk

call update_state (dt, daidtt, dvidtt, dagedtt, offset)

if (tr_fsd .and. wave_spec) call step_dyn_wave(dt)
do k = 1, ndtd
   call step_dyn_horiz (dt_dyn)
   do iblk = 1, nblocks
      call step_dyn_ridge (dt_dyn, ndtd, iblk)
   call update_state (dt_dyn, daidtd, dvidtd, dagedtd, offset)

do iblk = 1, nblocks
   call step_radiation (dt, iblk)
   call coupling_prep (iblk)
enddo ! iblk

! write data
! update forcing

See a CICE_RunMod.F90 file for the latest.