4.6. Other things

4.6.1. Reproducible Sums

Reproducible sums in the CICE diagnostics are set with the namelist bfbflag. CICE prognostics results do NOT depend on the global sum implementation. The results are bit-for-bit identical with any bfbflag. The bfbflag only impacts the results and performance of the global diagnostics written to the CICE log file. For best performance, the off (or lsum8 which is equivalent) setting is recommended. This will probably not produce bit-for-bit results with different decompositions. For bit-for-bit results, the reprosum setting is recommended. This should be only slightly slower than the lsum8 implementation.

Global sums of real types are not reproducible due to different order of operations of the sums of the individual data which introduced roundoff errors. This is caused when the model data is laid out in different block decompositions or on different pe counts so the data is stored in memory in different orders. Integer data should be bit-for-bit identical regardless of the order of operation of the sums.

The bfbflag namelist is a character string with several valid settings. The tradeoff in these settings is the likelihood for bit-for-bit results versus their cost. The bfbflag settings are implemented as follows,

off is the default and equivalent to lsum8.

lsum4 is a local sum computed with single precision (4 byte) data and a scalar mpi allreduce. This is extremely unlikely to be bit-for-bit for different decompositions. This should generally not be used as the accuracy is very poor for a model implemented with double precision (8 byte) variables.

lsum8 is a local sum computed with double precision data and a scalar mpi allreduce. This is extremely unlikely to be bit-for-bit for different decompositions but is fast. For CICE implemented in double precision, the differences in global sums for different decompositions should be at the roundoff level.

lsum16 is a local sum computed with quadruple precision (16 byte) data and a scalar mpi allreduce. This is very likely to be bit-for-bit for different decompositions. However, it should be noted that this implementation is not available or does not work properly with some compiler and some MPI implementation. Support for quad precision and consistency between underlying fortran and c datatypes can result in inability to compile or incorrect results. The source code associated with this implementation can be turned off with the cpp, NO_R16. Otherwise, it is recommended that this option NOT be used or that results be carefully validated on any platform before it is used.

reprosum is a fixed point method based on ordered double integer sums that requires two scalar reductions per global sum. This is extremely likely to be bfb, but will be slightly more expensive than the lsum algorithms. See [31]

ddpdd is a parallel double-double algorithm using single scalar reduction. This is very likely to be bfb, but is not as fast or accurate as the reprosum implementation. See [10]

4.6.2. Adding Timers

Timing any section of code, or multiple sections, consists of defining the timer and then wrapping the code with start and stop commands for that timer. Printing of the timer output is done simultaneously for all timers. To add a timer, first declare it (timer_[tmr]) at the top of ice_timers.F90 (we recommend doing this in both the mpi/ and serial/ directories), then add a call to get_ice_timer in the subroutine init_ice_timers. In the module containing the code to be timed, call ice_timer_start`(`timer_[tmr]) at the beginning of the section to be timed, and a similar call to ice_timer_stop at the end. A use ice_timers statement may need to be added to the subroutine being modified. Be careful not to have one command outside of a loop and the other command inside. Timers can be run for individual blocks, if desired, by including the block ID in the timer calls.

4.6.3. Adding History fields

To add a variable to be printed in the history output, search for ‘example’ in ice_history_shared.F90:

  1. add a frequency flag for the new field
  2. add the flag to the namelist (here and also in ice_in)
  3. add an index number

and in ice_history.F90:

  1. broadcast the flag
  2. add a call to define_hist_field
  3. add a call to accum_hist_field

The example is for a standard, two-dimensional (horizontal) field; for other array sizes, choose another history variable with a similar shape as an example. Some history variables, especially tracers, are grouped in other files according to their purpose (bgc, melt ponds, etc.).

To add an output frequency for an existing variable, see section History files.

4.6.4. Adding Tracers

We require that any changes made to the code be implemented in such a way that they can be “turned off” through namelist flags. In most cases, code run with such changes should be bit-for-bit identical with the unmodified code. Occasionally, non-bit-for-bit changes are necessary, e.g. associated with an unavoidable change in the order of operations. In these cases, changes should be made in stages to isolate the non-bit-for-bit changes, so that those that should be bit-for-bit can be tested separately.

Tracers added to CICE will also require extensive modifications to the Icepack driver, including initialization, namelist flags and restart capabilities. Modifications to the Icepack driver should reflect the modifications needed in CICE but are not expected to match completely. We recommend that the logical namelist variable tr_[tracer] be used for all calls involving the new tracer outside of ice_[tracer].F90, in case other users do not want to use that tracer.

A number of optional tracers are available in the code, including ice age, first-year ice area, melt pond area and volume, brine height, aerosols, and level ice area and volume (from which ridged ice quantities are derived). Salinity, enthalpies, age, aerosols, level-ice volume, brine height and most melt pond quantities are volume-weighted tracers, while first-year area, pond area, and level-ice area are area-weighted tracers. Biogeochemistry tracers in the skeletal layer are area-weighted, and vertical biogeochemistry tracers are volume-weighted. In the absence of sources and sinks, the total mass of a volume-weighted tracer such as aerosol (kg) is conserved under transport in horizontal and thickness space (the mass in a given grid cell will change), whereas the aerosol concentration (kg/m) is unchanged following the motion, and in particular, the concentration is unchanged when there is surface or basal melting. The proper units for a volume-weighted mass tracer in the tracer array are kg/m.

In several places in the code, tracer computations must be performed on the conserved “tracer volume” rather than the tracer itself; for example, the conserved quantity is \(h_{pnd}a_{pnd}a_{lvl}a_{i}\), not \(h_{pnd}\). Conserved quantities are thus computed according to the tracer dependencies (weights), which are tracked using the arrays trcr_depend (indicates dependency on area, ice volume or snow volume), trcr_base (a dependency mask), n_trcr_strata (the number of underlying tracer layers), and nt_strata (indices of underlying layers). Additional information about tracers can be found in the Icepack documentation.

To add a tracer, follow these steps using one of the existing tracers as a pattern.

  1. icepack_tracers.F90 and icepack_[tracer].F90: declare tracers, add flags and indices, and create physics routines as described in the Icepack documentation
  2. ice_arrays_column.F90: declare arrays
  3. ice_init_column.F90: initialize arrays
  4. ice_init.F90: (some of this may be done in icepack_[tracer].F90 instead)
  • declare tr_[tracer] and nt_[tracer] as needed
  • add logical namelist variables tr_[tracer], restart_[tracer]
  • initialize and broadcast namelist variables
  • check for potential conflicts, aborting if any occur
  • print namelist variables to diagnostic output file
  • initialize tracer flags etc in icepack (call icepack_init_tracer_flags etc)
  • increment number of tracers in use based on namelist input (ntrcr)
  • define tracer dependencies
  1. CICE_InitMod.F90: initialize tracer (includes reading restart file)
  2. CICE_RunMod.F90, ice_step_mod.F90 (and elsewhere as needed):
  • call routine to write tracer restart data
  • call Icepack or other routines to update tracer value (often called from ice_step_mod.F90)
  1. ice_restart.F90: define restart variables (for binary, netCDF and PIO)
  2. ice_restart_column.F90: create routines to read, write tracer restart data
  3. ice_fileunits.F90: add new dump and restart file units
  4. ice_history_[tracer].F90: add history variables (Section Adding History fields)
  5. ice_in: add namelist variables to tracer_nml and icefields_nml. Best practice is to set the namelist values so that the new capability is turned off, and create an option file with your preferred configuration in configuration/scripts/options.
  6. If strict conservation is necessary, add diagnostics as noted for topo ponds in the Icepack documentation.
  7. Update documentation, including cice_index.rst and ug_case_settings.rst